Friday, May 11, 2018

Bandar Lampung

Bandar Lampung is on the southern tip of Sumatra Island. The capital of Lampung Province is also arguably the main gateway to the island of Sumatra. For tourism business, not less than other cities in Indonesia.

From nature tourism, culinary, shopping, all there is. For nature tourism with family, there is Kedaton Earth Tourism Park, Valley Green, and Gita Persada Butterfly Garden. For those who like to the beach, Many also options such as Puri Gading Beach, Tirtayasa and Tourism Ambassador.

Bandar Lampung's strategic location also makes it easier for tourists to access various tourist attractions in the vicinity. If you want to go to Way Kambas National Park for example, the traveler is staying by bus from Terminal Rajabasa in Bandar Lampung.