Sunday, April 1, 2018


Another beauty of North Sulawesi is Tomohon. Dubbed the Flower City, Tomohon has an International Flower festival.

In this festival countries such as the US, Philippines, Japan and even North Korea joined to enliven this event. Other provinces do not want to lose to show off here.

A series of flowers are arranged on top of an ornamental vehicle with a wide variety of shapes. On the parade vehicle there will be Finalist of Queen Flower. They will stand and wave at visitors. If the holiday to Tomohon do not forget to stop by to buy flowers yes!

Kepulauan Talaud

The Talaud Islands are located in northern Sulawesi. Talaud has Intata Island located in the forefront of Indonesia's northernmost line. The island is uninhabited lho!

On this island there is a unique festival that became one of Intata's attraction, Mane'e Festival. The festival is unique, because the people around the island will gather here to catch fish using janur. Yeah right, with a coconut leaf, not a fishing rod let alone a net.

In addition to the festival, this uninhabited island has a white sandy beach that is too beautiful. Just imagine, the white sand is almost untainted by rubbish. The grain was soft, not pain when stepped on bare feet. This is the champion of adventure destinations.


Lombok was awarded a beautiful beach line. One of them is the Mandalika area in the southern part of Lombok.

This area consists of several beaches namely Gerupuk, Tanjung Aan Beach, Serenting Beach, Seger Beach and Kuta Beach. This coastline is an area that is being intensively promoted for the special area of ​​Indonesian tourism.

Not only the beautiful scenery, but also the legendary Princess Mandalika story. Mandalika's daughter is very beautiful and wise, but she sacrifices herself so there is no bloodshed in her country. Every year there is the Nyale Bau Festival at Seger Beach, to hunt for worms that are believed to be the incarnation of Princess Mandalika.


Derawan is located in Berau District, East Kalimantan. How to get there can be through Tanjung Batu in Berau or Tarakan in North Kalimantan, which is equally a boat.

The archipelago consists of many islands. There are four islands that usually become the flagship tour here, namely Maratua Island, Kakaban, Sangalaki and Derawan.

Of the four islands only Maratua Island and Derawan Island are uninhabited. On Kakaban Island there is a lake that is inhabited by jellyfish not sting. While on the island there Sangalaki Turtle turtle. Derawan is a champion destination.

Tanjung Puting

Tanjung Puting in Central Kalimantan is one of the best destinations of 2016. Tourists can see the orangutans who live freely and act funny.

The area of ​​Tanjung Puting reaches 415,040 hectares. In the vast area there is Camp Leakey, an orangutan conservation area that is usually the main destination of travelers.

In addition to Camp Laeakey, there is also Camp of Tanjung Harapan and Kamp Kampok Tangguy. There, travelers can see up close the daily life of orangutans from small to mature. Complete information about orangutans can also be obtained during the holidays there.