Saturday, March 3, 2018


The largest island in Indonesia has its own way to attract tourists. Your visit there will take a long time, because the wealth of nature and culture are very many interesting to enjoy one by one. In the western part of Kalimantan, Lake Sentarum for example, becomes a place that needs to be visited. How come? This lake has a uniqueness that looks like a collection of water that soak the forest. However, try coming in the dry season, the lake you do not find. Precisely, the forest and the padang will be seen.

By visiting Kalimantan, you will begin to appreciate nature by looking at orangutan conservation in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan. In addition, feel also seurnya shopping on jukung or boat in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Speaking of Indonesian tourist attractions, it is not complete without mentioning the pretty beaches. Borneo also has a variety of beach destinations that you certainly do not want to miss such as Wetland Rice Island, Tanah Merah Samboja Beach, and Derawan Islands. Do not forget, take also the best picture of your vacation in a beautiful lake on Labuan Mirror Lake, Big Dipper.